Eradicate Extreme Hunger & Poverty

Poverty and hunger are inextricably linked. Poverty causes Hunger. Not every poor person is hungry, but almost all hungry people are poor. Millions live with hunger and malnourishment because they simply cannot afford to buy enough food.  Hunger can be viewed as a dimension of extreme poverty. It is often called the most severe and critical manifestation of poverty.

Rural households are the most heavily burdened by the consequences of poverty and hunger limiting their community’s ability to invest in its own development. Studies have shown that lack of general education leads to higher adolescent birth rates; births that in turn over-burden an already economically strained community, perpetuating a cycle of gender inequality, poverty and hunger. The People who lack access to education, health care, adequate housing, proper sanitation and good nutrition, are the most vulnerable to disasters, political and economic oppression, low self esteem and they are powerless to improve their circumstances. Poverty is a lack of hope.

Reach The Heart's is concentrating  their work among the lower income group and the disadvantaged and disprivileged sections of the society in the developing parts of the World like India, Africa etc.This is mainly because one-third of these people are  defined as “capability poor” which means that they do not have access to minimum levels of  food, health care and education for earning a decent living.

We build the capacity of women and men to move beyond poverty, training them in the skills, methods, knowledge and leadership needed to take self-reliant actions so they can meet their own basic needs, improve their communities and build better futures for themselves and their children.We are deeply committed to serving and empowering the very poor to lift themselves out of poverty.

Hunger is a serious social problem amongst the poor and underdeveloped countries. A child dies from hunger every six seconds. Acute malnutrition is the more immediate cause  resulting in some 3.5 million child deaths each year which is  tragic because acute malnutrition is predictable, preventable, and treatable. A lifetime of poverty limits access to medical care resulting  in poor health which in turn limits a person’s ability to earn money thus  trapping them in a vicious cycle.

                                       Donation of $ 250 or Rs 12500 can feed a family of 4 for 4 months


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